The information published on this website may not be distributed more widely without ZEM's prior written permission. Information from this website may be multiplied only for private use and only for the purpose for which it was made available.
ZEM makes every effort to ensure that all information on this website is correct and up to date. However, ZEM will not accept any liability for damage arising from incorrect or incomplete information on this website nor for incorrect or incomplete information from third parties referred to on this website. Neither will ZEM accept liability for or damage resulting from failures and/or interruptions or errors or delays in the provision of information. The purpose of the information on this website is to give you a general impression of our insurance products. The Policy Conditions will prevail in any and all circumstances. ZEM reserves the right to change the content of the information on this website.
Leglisation regarding e-commerce
Information about Dutch legislation and government activities in the field of e-commerce is available on the website of the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy. ZEM keeps close track of developments in this regard and carefully aligns its policy and activities with the relevant Dutch legislation.